Hair Loss Among Cats: Know The Causes


You can easily notice when your cat begins to lose his hair. If you see your beautiful cat’s hair are falling out, it may be a serious issue. Some of the most of common causes for hair loss in cats are as follows:


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Must Know Pet Care Information


You have to make sure that you take care of your pet properly, so that your pet is happy and healthy. You need to have all the pet care information in order to take care of your pets. You can get all the information regarding pet care from your local pet shop where they will give you proper tips on taking care of your pets, how to keep the pets happy, what should you feed them etc. You should not hesitate asking them any question regarding your pet. (more…)

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Have You Noticed Panic Attacks In Dogs?


Panic attack in dogs appears unexpectedly and can be activated by loud noises like sharp sound of fireworks, rumbling thunder and gun shots. Fight or flight characteristics are greatly seen in dogs, but since it s not possible for them to fight an invisible identity, some dogs will show the signs of getting panic and they run for survival. Dogs that are safe within a fenced yard or enclosed inside a building, there is no place for them to run. So they show dangerous behavior such as whining, increased heart rate, panting and severe shaking.   (more…)

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Ways To Help Your Dog Live Longer

The average lifespan of a dog in the United States is twelve years but they can live more than that and be healthy at the same time. Smaller breeds normally have a longer life compared to shorter breeds. Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey is the longest lived dog according to the Guinness Book of Records. The dog lived for 29 years and was still healthy and working cattle at the age of 20.


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Dandruff Issues With Pets

Winter is a wonderful season, it can bring amazing experiences, but one thing that is certain to put a restriction on your cats and dogs in winter is dandruff. This problem can lead to infection and itching, but let us see how to avoid this with the help of shampoos, conditioners and other methods.


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