Cats and kittens are real adorable pets. Everyone likes their fur, their playfulness, their “meow” and all their gestures. If you are planning to buy kittens and approaching someone having kittens for sale, it may be helpful for you to remember some tips about how to choose a kitten which will become your beloved pet.
Enquire about the Kitten
When you approach the pet-seller, it is good to enquire about the kittens that have captured your heart. You can enquire about the breed, gender and personality of the kitten. E.g. if you want a kitten for your child, see to it that it can handle plenty of chasing and squeezing – a Ragdoll is the best for this!
Be Sure that You are Capable of Taking Care
Kittens are like small children and deserve good care. Think whether you can give them the due care. If not, learn how to do it by contacting your vet or a friend who has an experience to raise kittens.
Getting Supplies
Once you know how to take care of a small kitten, your first job will be to collect all the supplies necessary for its bringing up. These include food dish, bowl, litter box, anti-hairball treats (if the cat has thick and long hair), toys, etc.
Spend Time with the Kitten
Before actually buying the kitten it is good to spend some time, at least 2 to 4 hours with the kitten. Ask the sellers if they allow taking the kitten out from the cage. If not, try to pet the kitten with your fingers stuck to the cage. Don’t worry if it bites, as it may be just playing; however, if the bite is too hard, it is not a good characteristic. If possible, try to pet different cats and see if they like you and you are able to handle them and get easy with them.
Don’t Just Go with the Prettiness
Don’t just pick up a kitten because it is sweet to look at. A pretty-looking kitten may not necessarily be approachable. You require a pet which will love you and you will love it. Try to look at the matter in this way.