Around 4 and a half million people in the US are bitten by dogs every year and 1/5th of them need medical care for their injury. The commonest victims of dog bites are children and half of them are under thirteen. Since children are small-sized and don’t very much know how to act with a dog around, they are most likely to be severely attacked by dogs. It’s important to know that any dog can bite and by knowing the common reasons why dogs bite, dog bites can be prevented.
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From jolly gymkhanas to BSJA show jumping, riders everywhere are getting ready for the show season. Whether you compete at affiliated national level, or just do it for fun, events across the UK bring out the competitive edge in everybody. Here are our top tips to help keep you and your horse in the ribbons this summer.
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Your pet was and still is close to your heart. Now that s/he has passed away, you want to see her/him again in the form of anything! Why not create a beautiful sculpture of her/him? You need not create a heavy stone or metal sculpture. It can be created even with a delicate and lightweight material like wool.
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You love your pet and capture her/his countless photos on different occasions. Have you thought of immortalizing your pet in the form of a carved piece of art? Yes, you can do that. Imagine, a beautiful box with a carved image of your pet on its cover placed in your living room or office desk to which everyone is attracted and asks you about it! You can do the same for another pet lover you know and gift her/him with such a personalized gift with the image of their beloved pet on it. Let’s see how you can do that.
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Cats and dogs are man’s best friends and we too love to cuddle them mainly because of their soft fur. However, when this fur occurs everywhere in our house, it’s rather an unsightly scene. Not only they are unpleasant to look at, but also they can be dangerous if someone in the household is allergic to them. As many as three in ten persons can get an allergic reaction due to dogs and cats according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
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For many pet owners, it is a fitting, final act of farewell to provide a dignified burial for their pet. Dealing with pet loss is incredibly hard, so seeing, touching and saying final goodbye to a pet’s body might help owners accept their pet isn’t going to come home and that it’s peaceful and no more suffering. In case you find it important to treat your pet remains with the same care and concern that you provided your pet during its happy life, there are three options for you: pet cemetery burial, home burial and cremation. This time, we’ll talk about pet cemetery burial. (more…)
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